Package-level declarations
An adapter similar to WebSocketListenerFlowAdapter, but with an unlimited buffer and non-suspending callback functions. This is useful for bridging implementations that do not support backpressure (like the browser WebSocket API).
A web socket client.
Web socket close codes as defined in the WebSocket Protocol specification.
Represents a web socket connection to another endpoint.
An exception thrown when the server closed the connection unexpectedly during the handshake.
An exception thrown when something went wrong during the web socket connection.
An exception thrown when something went wrong at web socket level.
A web socket frame.
Adapter between listener calls and a web socket "incoming" frames flow. This is to make it easier to bridge listener-based APIs with the flow-based API of Krossbow. Methods of this listener never fail, but can send failure through the frames channel to the consumers.
The maximum number of UTF-8 bytes allowed by the web socket protocol for the "reason" in close frames. This limit is defined in section 5.5 of the RFC-6455.
Truncates this string to 123 bytes (CLOSE_REASON_MAX_LENGTH_BYTES), for it to be suitable as web socket close reason.
Returns the biggest prefix of this string that can be represented with at most maxLength UTF-8 bytes.