
A web socket client.

The client is used to connect to the server and create a WebSocketConnection. Then, most of the interactions are done through the WebSocketConnection until it is closed.

The same client can be reused to start multiple sessions, unless specified otherwise by the implementation.


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object Companion


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Whether this client supports sending custom headers in the handshake via the connect method.


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abstract suspend fun connect(url: String, protocols: List<String> = emptyList(), headers: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()): WebSocketConnection

Opens a web socket connection to the given url and suspends until the connection is OPEN.

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fun WebSocketClient.withAutoReconnect(maxAttempts: Int = DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS, delayStrategy: RetryDelayStrategy = DEFAULT_DELAY_STRATEGY): WebSocketClient

Returns a new WebSocketClient that automatically reconnects on web socket errors using this client.