
Represents a web socket connection to another endpoint.

Implementations must be safe to call concurrently.



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abstract val canSend: Boolean

If false, sending frames should not be attempted and will likely throw an exception. If true, sending frames will likely succeed. However, no guarantees can be made because there could be a race condition between WS closure and a "send" call.

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open val host: String

The host to which this web socket is connected.

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The single-consumer hot flow of incoming web socket frames.

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abstract val protocol: String?

The web socket subprotocol spoken over this WebSocketConnection, or null is no specific protocol was agreed upon during the handshake. This can happen either because the client did not request any protocol, or because none of the requested protocols were accepted by the server.

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abstract val url: String

The URL that was used to connect this web socket.


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abstract suspend fun close(code: Int = WebSocketCloseCodes.NORMAL_CLOSURE, reason: String? = null)

Sends a web socket close frame with the given code and reason, and closes the connection.

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abstract suspend fun sendBinary(frameData: ByteString)

Sends a web socket binary frame.

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abstract suspend fun sendText(frameText: String)

Sends a web socket text frame.