
class WebSocketListenerFlowAdapter(bufferSize: Int = Channel.BUFFERED, onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.SUSPEND)(source)

Adapter between listener calls and a web socket "incoming" frames flow. This is to make it easier to bridge listener-based APIs with the flow-based API of Krossbow. Methods of this listener never fail, but can send failure through the frames channel to the consumers.

Note: this class is not thread-safe. The callbacks must not be called concurrently.


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constructor(bufferSize: Int = Channel.BUFFERED, onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.SUSPEND)


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The flow of incoming web socket frames. This flow completes when the web socket connection is closed or an error occurs.


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suspend fun onBinaryMessage(isLast: Boolean = true, writeData: Sink.() -> Unit)
suspend fun onBinaryMessage(bytes: ByteString, isLast: Boolean = true)

Callback for binary messages (potentially partial frames).

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suspend fun onClose(code: Int, reason: String?)

Sends a WebSocketFrame.Close to the incomingFrames flow, and completes it normally.

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fun onError(message: String)

Fails the incomingFrames flow with a WebSocketException with the given message.

fun onError(error: Throwable?)

Fails the incomingFrames flow with a WebSocketException with the given error as cause.

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suspend fun onPing(bytes: ByteString)

Sends a WebSocketFrame.Ping frame with the given bytes to the incomingFrames flow.

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suspend fun onPong(bytes: ByteString)

Sends a WebSocketFrame.Pong frame with the given bytes to the incomingFrames flow.

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suspend fun onTextMessage(isLast: Boolean = true, writeData: Sink.() -> Unit)
suspend fun onTextMessage(text: String, isLast: Boolean = true)

Callback for text messages (potentially partial frames).