Custom conversions

If you want to use your own text conversion, you can implement TextMessageConverter without any additional module, and use withTextConversions to wrap your StompSession into a TypedStompSession.

Limited JS support

Reflection-based conversions may behave poorly on the JS platform. It is usually safer to rely on Kotlinx Serialization for multiplatform conversions.

val myConverter = object : TextMessageConverter {
    override val mimeType: String = "application/json;charset=utf-8"

    override fun <T> convertToString(value: T, type: KTypeRef<T>): String {
        TODO("your own object -> text conversion")

    override fun <T> convertFromString(text: String, type: KTypeRef<T>): T {
        TODO("your own text -> object conversion")

StompClient(WebSocketClient.builtIn()).connect(url).withTextConversions(myConverter).use { session ->
    session.convertAndSend("/some/destination", MyPojo("Custom", 42)) 

    val messages = session.subscribe<MyMessage>("/some/topic/destination")
    val firstMessage: MyMessage = messages.first()

    println("Received: $firstMessage")