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STOMP with Jackson

The krossbow-stomp-jackson module is a JVM-only extension of krossbow-stomp-core that provides new APIs to send and receive properly typed classes, and automatically convert them to/from the JSON bodies of STOMP frames by leveraging Jackson and jackson-module-kotlin.

The main addition is the extension function StompSession.withJackson(), which turns your StompSession into a TypedStompSession. This new session type has additional methods that use Jackson to convert your objects into JSON and back:

StompClient(WebSocketClient.builtIn()).connect(url).withJackson().use { session ->
    session.convertAndSend("/some/destination", Person("Bob", 42)) 

    val messages: Flow<MyMessage> = session.subscribe<MyMessage>("/some/topic/destination")
    val firstMessage: MyMessage = messages.first()

    println("Received: $firstMessage")

Using a custom ObjectMapper

Jackson is highly configurable, and it's often useful to configure the ObjectMapper manually.

The withJackson() method takes an optional ObjectMapper parameter, so you can configure it as you please:

val customObjectMapper: ObjectMapper = jacksonObjectMapper()

val client = StompClient(WebSocketClient.builtIn()).connect(url)
val session = client.withJackson(customObjectMapper)


To use Jackson conversions, add krossbow-stomp-jackson to your Gradle dependencies (krossbow-stomp-core is unnecessary because it's transitively brought by this one):


This dependency transitively brings Jackson 2.17.0 with the Kotlin module.